Kamis, 24 September 2009


Egg are naturally nutrient dense food, which mean they have a high proportion of nutrient to calories. One large egg has only 75 calories and provides 13 essentials nutrients in varying amounts. Egg an excellent source of cholline and good source of the highest quality protein and riboflavin. Many of egg’s incredible nutrient are found in the egg yolk, including cholin, folate, lutein, zeaxanthin, and vitamin D. The yolk also includes healthy monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats and almost half of the high quality protein found in egg.

Minggu, 20 September 2009

i'm back

Sudah lama banget tidak nulis di blog ini, mungkin hampir 1 semester. Berupaya untuk mengingatnya, tapi tidak bisa. Berusaha untuk mencarinya tapi tidak ketemu juga. Kini akhirnya, setelah 6 bulan lamanya akhirnya kudapatkan juga. Hanya sekedar tebak-tebak tapi ternyata betul. Yaaa betul, yang kumaksud adalah password akun blog ku ini. makanya agak lama juga nggak nulis, dikarenakan lupa passwordnya.


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